Barbell Front Raise: A Comprehensive Guide

Begin by selecting a weight that is suitable for your level of strength and experience
Place the barbell on the ground in front of you, with the weight plates on either side of the bar
Grasp the barbell with a pronated grip, meaning your palms are facing down, and your hands are spaced roughly shoulder-width apart
Position yourself so that the barbell is resting on your thighs, and your knees are slightly bent

How to Perform

Lift the barbell up towards your chest, using your arms, and keeping your torso stationary
Pause briefly at the top of the movement, and then lower the barbell back down to the starting position in a controlled manner
Repeat the exercise for the desired number of repetitions, typically between 8-12 reps for each set


Make sure to keep your elbows slightly bent throughout the exercise, and avoid locking them out at the top of the movement
Keep your chest lifted and your shoulder blades pulled back, engaging your shoulder and upper back muscles
Exhale as you lift the barbell up, and inhale as you lower it back down
Keep your movements slow and controlled, focusing on proper form and technique, rather than lifting as much weight as possible

Things to Avoid

Avoid using momentum or swinging the weight, as this can lead to injury and decreased effectiveness of the exercise
Avoid over-extending your shoulders or lifting the barbell too high, which can cause strain on the shoulder joint
Avoid lifting the barbell too quickly or using too heavy of a weight, as this can result in poor form and decreased results
Avoid holding the barbell with a narrow grip, as this can put unnecessary stress on your wrist joints