Barbell Floor Press: A Comprehensive Guide

Start by selecting a barbell that is appropriate for your strength level and place it on the floor.
Lie down on the floor with your back flat and feet flat on the ground. Grasp the barbell with both hands, using a grip that is slightly wider than shoulder-width apart.
Raise the barbell off the floor so that it is directly above your chest, keeping your arms straight.
Make sure your back is flat on the floor and that your neck and head are in a neutral position.

How to Perform

Slowly lower the barbell to your chest, keeping your elbows close to your sides.
Once the barbell touches your chest, pause for a moment and then press it back up to the starting position.
Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.


Keep your back flat on the floor and your elbows close to your sides throughout the entire movement.
Focus on using your chest muscles to press the barbell, not your shoulders or triceps.
Maintain a slow and controlled tempo, avoiding any jerking or bouncing movements.
Make sure to inhale as you lower the barbell and exhale as you press it back up.

Things to Avoid

Avoid arching your back or lifting your butt off the floor during the exercise, as this can cause injury to your lower back.
Do not allow your elbows to flare out to the sides, as this places unnecessary stress on your shoulders.
Avoid using too much weight, as this can cause you to lose proper form and increase the risk of injury.